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Preserving History

Heritage conservation is essential in Palestine, especially as a means of preserving national identity. Unfortunately, the majority of Palestine’s archaeological sites and traditional buildings suffer neglect, decay, and vandalism. Implementing conservation policies and projects is also fraught with difficulties, including a lack of qualified personnel, clearly defined methodologies, and technology.

Despite the difficult context, we have carried out successfully conservation of ancient and modern mosaics and we have preserved and enhanced historical buildings and archaeological sites involving local communities and supporting sustainable local economy.

The protection of everyone’s cultural heritage guarantees the diversity and richness of the territory, makes it more special and allows the various communities to be represented and not erased from history.

awareness ACTIVITIES

Cultural heritage is an important sector of the Palestinian resources and might be crucial in enhancing the economic, social and environmental wellbeing of its people. Mosaic Centre carries out many awareness activities to involve local population to preserve Palestinian cultural heritage, such as art workshops for children, exhibitions and conferences, training courses for people with special needs and publications.

Mosaic Courses

Mosaic art holds a significant place in Palestinian cultural history. Mosaic Centre is reviving the local mosaic tradition through conservation project and in-house mosaic production. Come and discover the story of Palestine through mosaic or join our training courses to learn how to produce mosaics.

We carry out short intensive mosaic courses for schools, individuals, families. Come and create your handmade mosaic, in a day or two, or longer if you like.

Guest Houses

The Mosaic Centre runs a guest house in Sebastia, in Nablus governorate, and an extension in the nearby village of Nisf Jubeil, special for its magic and quite atmosphere and rural character.
Our boutique-style guesthouse provide travelers with convenient and comfortable accommodation by involving the local community. Most products served for breakfast are locally made by residents of the area, making our guesthouse a repository of cultural messages. You can experience the everyday life of rural Palestine and at the same time give economic benefits to the local community.


We run the Nisf Jubeil Kitchen, offering traditional meals and cooking courses. Local women produce homemade specialties and products with local food and resources. Experience the special taste and natural ingredients and support the rural communities

We support small scale producers, mostly women, encouraging traditional and authentic products made by natural and healthy elements and processes, like soaps, date dibbes, fresh and dried products.

Ceramic Centre

Our project is based on the recovery of art and craft techniques typical of the area. In Nisf Jubeil we manage a ceramic laboratory, where women of the village, trained by expert ceramists, produce traditional craft inspired to archaeological discoveries in the area and its rural context.
They create products with a contemporary design that witness personal growth, creative research and quality.



The Mosaic Centre in Jericho was born thanks to the commitment of Franciscan archaeologist  Michele Piccirillo in 2004 and under the supervision of architect Osama Hamdan has grown since then in size and competence. Father Michele has never abandoned us, and he looks at us smiling from the poster hanged in the large hall of the workshop. In silent dialogue with him, we continue his enterprise, following his teachings aimed at peace and sharing.

We are grateful for their support to

Renewal of Mosaic Art in Palestine.

Mosaic technique and art is a typical product of the Mediterranean region and has been spread all over from the origin until the Early Islamic period. In Palestine mosaic art has continued its development even further, preserving nowadays examples of mosaics that are among the most beautiful ancient ones of the world and are typical expressions of the Mediterranean culture.

Copies inspired by ancient mosaics and new artworks are produced in our laboratories, blending traditional skills and modern creativity, using hand-cut stones or glass paste.

Custom-made orders are available in the Mosaic Centre. Among the most popular mosaics is the Tree of Life, a copy of the magnificent Umayyad 8th c. mosaic of Hisham’s Palace in Jericho or the representation of the Holy City of Jerusalem from the 6th century Madaba Map.


Our conservation projects enhance historical buildings and archaeological sites working with local communities.

We offer local residents the opportunity to actively engage in the recovery of the sites in their own communities, thereby ingraining a sense of responsibility for the future conservation of their local heritage and improving the quality of life and the economy in the area.

We also involve people with social fragility in production, promoting their social growth, enhancing their personal resources and developing their creative abilities.